Released last month “Scream Six” is a new edition to the ongoing series that started back in 1996. The Scream series, while it is categorized as horror, these movies could be better described as a thriller and mystery, as the race to figure out who is behind all of the stabbings becomes more and more […]
Read MoreBased on the popular video game “Last of Us” has captured the attention of gamers and sci-fi lovers nationwide! Pedro Pascal’s character tugs at the heartstring right off the bat, leaving no room for questioning that he has been through his fair share of hardships in life and engaging the audience not even 10 minutes […]
Read MoreSeems as though the movies which win Oscars lately aren’t the talk of the town. As a movie lover, I haven’t seen an Oscar-winning best picture since “12 Years a Slave” won back in 2014. Even family and friends I have talked to say they haven’t seen the most recent movie that just won […]
Read MoreSummer is quickly approaching and for many people this means there will be more time to pick up some books to read, if you’re into that. Personally, I always like to use the summer months to catch up on reading because during the school year there is just not enough time sometimes to sit down […]
Read MoreSummer is just around the corner which means that outdoor dining and delicious food becomes more appealing. For this reason, I have some tips and ideas of outdoor dining and other good food options in the city of Chicago to make the most of this summer! If you’re looking for more of a luxury […]
Read MoreFrom April 14-16 and April 20-23, the Phillip Lynch Theater is showing the musical “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” Based on the beloved comic strip “Peanuts” by Charles M. Schultz, the revised play brings the Peanuts characters to life on the stage. The play is about two hours long with a 10 minute intermission. […]
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