Day: February 20, 2024

Editor's Picks

Students knowing their rights

A recent House committee bill has taken on the controversial question of abortion and brought it to colleges and universities nationwide. The Pregnant Student’s Right Act aims to help support pregnant college students through their pregnancy in hopes of preventing young career-driven women from feeling forced to get an abortion in order to focus on […]

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Bedard’s return brings a win

The Blackhawks wonder boy, Connor Bedard, has made his awaited return this week after recovering from an injury he sustained on Jan. 5. Like a surge of electricity, Bedard has brought a new energy to a struggling offense and has put an end to their eight game losing streak.  Connor Bedard was the first overall […]

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Greek mythology’s untold tale of sisterhood The woman behind the stone-gray eyes

The world of Greek mythology is humungous, ranging from classic hero tales to stories of betrayal and mistrust. Some of the myths are buried underneath years of translation, but others are ones known among the masses. The story of Medusa is a popular tale, one spoken in both perspectives of her killer and herself – […]

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Electronic Music Midwest festival returns to Lewis

Now in its 22nd year, the Electronic Music Midwest (EMM) calls for midwest communities to participate in cutting-edge electroacoustic compositions by today’s composers. All events take place conveniently on Lewis University’s campus in the Philip Lynch Theatre, starting with its first concert on March 1. Serving as one of two proud hosts, the Department of […]

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Disney: Teaching lessons to our future generations

Disney and Nickelodeon have always been rivals. Growing up, children are classified as either a Disney Channel or Nickelodeon kid. I was a Nickelodeon kid, but as I grew up, it occurred to me that the topics Disney covered were more relevant and relatable. While Nickelodeon had more shows and movies that were funny and […]

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