Green tea, some people love it, others not so much. Some people love it hot, others cold. No matter how you like to drink green tea, it turns out that green tea has lots of health benefits so maybe a good idea to reconsider your taste for green tea if you don’t like it so much. Because green tea is full of antioxidants it can have great benefits to your health, including brain health, reducing the chance of developing heart disease, fat loss and even protect you a bit against cancer. Does the taste of green tea sound more appealing now?
Healthline has listed several benefits of green tea that are worth changing your preference for. The first health benefits are to the brain and its functions. Green tea does not contain as much caffeine as coffee does, but just enough to have an effect. Along with that, it contains the amino acid L-theanine, which has the possibility to work together with caffeine to improve brain function. As green tea improves brain function, it can also protect the brain from aging because of the bioactive compounds in green tea that can reduce the risk of dementia.
Not only does it have positive effects on the brain, but it also has other health benefits. Nobody likes bad breath, right? Try drinking green tea to reduce bad breath! There are catechins (a natural antioxidant) in green tea that may stop bacteria from growing in the mouth and will get rid of that bad breath!
Want to lose weight? Green tea! Even though according to healthline not all studies agree, green tea has been found to boost your metabolic rate and increase fat burning. Those natural antioxidants found in green tea not only improve your brain health but can also protect you against various types of cancers
All in all, people who drink green tea live a longer life than the people who don’t drink green tea. This would be the perfect time to try something new and grab a cup of green tea and get healthier by the day!
Photo Credit: American Institute for Cancer Research